Molecular Visualization • 2022
Nicotine: Behind the Smoke.
Nicotine binds to the acetylcholine receptor in the brain and activates the reward system in our central nervous system, thus inducing the user to continue nicotine consumption and leading to addiction.
This mock Scientific American spread is intended to educate a general audience on the molecular mechanisms behind addiction and cancer by nicotine and its derivatives, such as nitrosamines.
Editorial, journal spread
Autodesk Maya, VMD, Protein Imager, UCSF Chimera, Photoshop, Illustrator
Prof. Derek Ng, University of Toronto
Project coming soon!
Asset Creation
4ejh, 4ejj: DeVore, N. M. and Scott, E. E. (2012) Nicotine and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone binding and access channel in human cytochrome P450 2A6 and 2A13 enzymes. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287, 26576–26585.
6pv7: Gharpure, A., Teng, J., Zhuang, Y., Noviello, C. M., Walsh, Jr., R. M., Cabuco, R., Howard, R. J., Zaveri, N. T., Lindahl, E., and Hibbs, R. E. (2019) Agonist selectivity and ion permeation in the α3β4 ganglionic nicotinic receptor. Neuron 104, 501-511.
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National Center for Biotechnology Information (2022). PubChem Compound Summary for CID 89594, Nicotine. Retrieved July 15, 2022 from
Wittenberg, R. E., Wolfman, S. L., De Biasi, M., and Dani J. A. (2020) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and nicotine addiction: A brief introduction. Neuropharmacology 177, 108256.
Xue, J., Yang, S., and Seng S. (2014) Mechanisms of cancer induction by tobacco-specific NNK and NNN. Cancers 6, 1138–1156.
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